We are an owner operated, boutique studio. Phone calls cannot be answered while the studio is in session. The best way to reach us is via email at: info@pilatesloftvt.com
What to put in your email?
Please provide us with a description of what you are looking for. Let us know if you are a full-time local resident, part-time resident, or a visitor. Include any general scheduling constraints you have. Feel free to add any particulars you feel are important for us to know.
We will be happy to get back to you as soon as possible!
Thank you in advance for your patience.
Before our first meeting, please create an online account. Creating an account will prompt you to provide the required information, sign the necessary waiver (a must before our first meeting), and pay for your session.
If we’ve already exchanged emails and scheduled any sessions, I'll put a 'placeholder' in our schedule for any dates and times agreed upon. This helps prevent double booking.
Once you’ve set up your account, please confirm with us. We will properly schedule your appointment in our system. It will then show up in your account correctly too!
Reserve a spot in group classes directly using your online account.
Private, duet, and trio sessions are available by appointment only and cannot be booked online. You will still use your online account for payment and to view your upcoming schedule.
On your online account, you can:
If you select that you would like reminders when you set up your account, our system will automatically send them two days in advance of your private, duet, or trio session. While optional, it is a nice trigger to either confirm or cancel your session.
Important: Reminders are not sent for group classes.
There is a 24-hour cancellation policy for all session types, including group classes.
Cancellations made with less than 24 hours' notice will result in a vacant spot that could have been filled by another client. By reserving your spot, you agree to this policy.
When booking a group class online, payment is required at the time of booking.
For private, duet, or trio sessions, please purchase your first session prior to arriving at the studio. You can do this easily in your account by using the third tab at the top. Processing payment upon arrival means we must do administrative work and will reduce the time available for your session.
To streamline future transactions and preserve your time for subsequent visits, saving your preferred credit card in your account is recommended. Rest assured, only the last four digits of your card number will be visible to us.
New private clients can expect their sessions to begin with a general assessment and discussion about individual idiosyncrasies and goals. We will begin on either the Mat or Reformer introducing general concepts, form and working together to modify the work appropriately to meet your needs as necessary. We may transition to one or more additional Pilates apparatus if time allows. You will be guided through a series of foundational Pilates exercises, helping you achieve safe and stable movement.
‘In 10 sessions you will feel a difference; in 20 sessions you will see a difference; and in 30 sessions you will have a whole new body.’
Joseph Pilates made this now-famous ‘Pilates promise’ after repeatedly witnessing the dramatic results his own clients experienced when working with him consistently on a daily basis. Even though daily Pilates may not be practical for everyone, you can still achieve remarkable results by establishing consistency in your workouts. Starting with your first private session you will be given careful instruction that facilitates your safe transition from private sessions to more affordable group classes and/or private at home study, making more frequent workouts possible. With the right balance of apparatus sessions and mat classes that accommodates your goals, budget and lifestyle you will feel the difference, gradually see the difference, and eventually experience ‘a whole new body’
There is no pressure to ‘do it right’. As with any new practice, Pilates takes varying numbers of sessions to ‘get it,’ though clients immediately reap the benefits simply by moving through the exercises. Over time, your range of motion and ability to approach the ideal versions of the exercises will improve. Most important, Pilates is not about performance – how high, how big and how beautiful. It is about executing the exercises with mindful intent to improve function and strength.
You can study once, twice, or several times each week. The Pilates Loft strives to accommodate whatever you can fit into your schedule and your budget. Many clients come in for their private sessions, but also attend a group class and/or supplement their practice on their own. As you become familiar with your Pilates workout, you will be able to practice at home, and will continually get even more out of your in-studio classes.
Whether we sit in front of a computer all day or subject our bodies to repetitive physical motions, gravitational force affects our spines. When the muscles that support our spines are weak or tight, our bodies compensate and added stress is placed on our bones, joints and soft tissues. We experience this stress as tightness, stiffness, soreness and pain. Pilates addresses the needs of all bodies by strengthening the core musculature that supports the spine and pelvis.
Yet while every ‘body’ is alike in its basic functioning, no two bodies are structurally alike or have the same history of movement, stress, injury and weakness. This is addressed by modifying the foundational exercises and by incorporating specially chosen exercises that speak to your individual needs. As you flow through the movements, you will become more conscious of how your body feels, how it works in space, and what movement patterns the body habitually chooses. By developing proper technique, your body can be re-trained to move more efficiently and safely, creating proper alignment, coordination and balance.
Individualized instruction can still be achieved in groups since clients can execute the same exercises with appropriate modifications, thereby personalizing their workouts.
Comfortable but fitted clothing is recommended. Body movement should be easy to observe in order to ensure the exercises are being performed safely and with proper form. No shoes are needed and socks are optional.